Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sri Lanka Heads for Despotism

.... of course...

Honestly, who in the world didn't see this coming?

Here is the article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8506563.stm

Just a few months ago, the Sri Lankan government won a decades-long civil war against the "Tamil Tigers." The rebels were internationally listed as a terrorist organization, for reasons I cannot currently recall... the world seemed at the time to be overjoyed at their defeat. But now that the rebels are gone, what reason does the Sri Lankan government have to appear to be the good-guys?

I am not really on any side here -- I am merely saying, objectively, that the move by Sri Lanka's president is totally logical, exactly the same thing done by dozens of other precedents around the world.

When his election victory was called into question, he promptly dissolved the Parliament and had his opposition arrested. Who else has done this? Burma (Myanmar, now)... Chile... Thailand... every single African country... most of the Latin American countries.... former Soviet "republics"... heck, the whole world!

Where will Sri Lanka go now? Probably, it will say that the current dissolution of the Parliament is only temporary, and that they want to "stabilize" and guide the economy (precedent: China) and maybe write a new constitution. Sri Lanka is in for at least a decade of political upheaval, and probably international "sanctions" (I put the word in "" b/c there are two uses of the word, each exactly contrary to each-other), withdrawal of embassies, etc., until the people have yet another revolution, either civil or not so civil.

I'm just saying... of course...

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