Friday, November 13, 2009

New Space Race

It has occurred to me that we are now engaged in a new space race. Many people say that a new space race would be good for America, and the world -- and I agree. However, this one seems to have quietly crept up on us. I have seen no public speeches declaring the new space race, no demagogues leading us (even tho 'demagogue' has negative connotation, I like demagogues) ; rather, it has been other countries trying to quietly improve their space-capabilities without drawing too much attention to it, and that has initiated the new space race. Soon, hopefully, America will realize there is competition in space again, and we can enter a new golden-age of exploration, science, and bravery. Because, when you really think of it, the 1950's and 60's were America's golden age, and since then has been gradual stagnation. Lets do it again!

Here is a link to the article I was reading just now:

There was another article I recently read in which a Chinese government official said that "military competition in space is inevitable." I will post a link to that article too if I find it again.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Philippines: Your Choice

I have been reading more and more lately about the Philippines and their dislike of America's military presence within their borders.

Today I see a picture of a man holding up a sign saying "Hillary Go Away." The man is protesting joint-military exercises between the US and the Philippines. To which I thought, "Isn't there a more pressing concern regarding the military for the Philippines?" China continues to maintain a military base on the Spratly Islands, despite the Spratlys being a part of Philippine territory, and despite the fact that the military base is illegal. Moreover, China's military presence in the South China Sea has been increasing dramatically for the past decade, and now China claims the entire South China Sea, including the Spratly and Paracel Archipelagos. Chinese warships are firing on the fishing boats of other nations out in the South China, even when those ships are well within their home-country's respective territories. What will the Philippines do if the US leaves the area to the mercy of the Chinese? Obviously, Philippine military strength is insufficient to persuade the Chinese to leave the Spratlys. Given the present situation in Southeast Asia, it would be more logical for the Philippines to welcome US military presence.

Just my thinking... do you want US joint-exercises, aka 'cooperation,' or do you want to be militarily dominated by the Chinese? Who is doing more to disrespect Philippine sovereignty? Think about it :)

Here is the link to that picture: